Monday, June 29, 2009

New BRODY Web Site Coming Soon, Really!

One more week. One more week. One more week.

I am so tired of hearing “one more week!”

What am I referring to? My new and improved corporate web site going “live.”

The irony is that from my perspective, this is an ongoing complaint. I think web designers (or, maybe it’s just creative types in general) sometimes look for ways to hold up the process.

I say that because a lot of industry colleagues have the same complaint – of web site redesign projects often taking more time than initially estimated, or unforeseen developments that further increase the time spent.

I know they say “Good things come to those who wait.”

But, whatever happened to managing client expectations? Or being held accountable to deadlines?

With that said, I have drawn my own line in the sand. The redesigned BRODY Professional Development web site --- -- will be live, on or before July 10.

Of course, there will be still be a new shopping cart to fine tune, my personal speaking web site to update, and other “tweeks” over time.

My expectation (silly woman!) is that it will all be done by the end of the summer. Since it’s been a year in coming, it had better be good! (Of course, I’m biased, but sneak peaks tell me that this is the case!).

Let me know what you think. On July 13, visit

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