Monday, April 27, 2009

My “Stimulus Package” Part Two: Focusing on Business

Last week, I talked about creating my own personal “Stimulus Package.”

For this week’s blog, I’ve written about my business “stimulus” plans.

Here are just a few of the things are we are doing to stay afloat, without help from the government stimulus package:

•Making calls to current clients to see how we can help. The “help” is often for free, and can involve consulting and coaching.

•Sending “flash” e-mails. The creative marketing messages that we send to current clients keep BRODY top of mind.

•Making better use of LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. Maximizing the use of these FREE accounts builds connections that may well lead to business.

•Speaking at industry events. I use my evaluation forms, where I ask for good contacts within participants’ companies, to mine new leads.

•Sending mailings to current clients that are considered advocates. Past efforts have included coupons on our BRODY BOOST Camp, bookmarks and First Aid kits.

•Sending gratis copies of my books to senior management within our targeted corporate market. Not only have I made some great executive-level connections, I have introduced my company’s products and services in a not overtly “salesy” way.

•Using our Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) certification. This is a great way to submit BRODY to corporations who have formal supplier diversity initiatives, and gain a foothold in new and emerging markets.

What are YOU doing to stimulate your business?

Feel free to share some best practices.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Personal “Stimulus” Plan

Our government is still busy with its Stimulus Package.

I certainly hope it kick starts the economy!

As a small business owner, I am seeing no direct result.

Hence, I have decided to create my own “stimulus package.”

The goal is to stimulate myself to be even more proactive and productive, enthusiastic, and more in charge of my own future.

You might ask, “Marjorie, just how are you doing that?”

Let me tell you ….

This week’s blog will focus on my personal perspective, while next week, I’ll outline my business plan.

Here are my personal “stimulus” goals:

•Exercise daily: Just by doing this, I feel better. Feeling better is stimulating!

•Eat properly: Again, it’s treating my body well. So, I feel better and I have more energy.

•Drink my gin and tonic and eat my dark chocolate in moderation. After all, deprivation doesn’t solve problems, just creates them!

•Spend time with family. For example, I took one grandson (4 years old) to a theatre last week. I said, “I love our theater dates. Do you think when you are older, you will still want to go to the theater with Nana?” His response: “You may be dead then.” That sure put things into perspective!

•Never miss “24.” As though I don’t have enough tension in my life! Jack always wins, maybe I will, too!

•Go to the movies, read a book, see friends. Really, making time for fun and escape stimulates the brain.

•Indulge in personal treatments. As occasional massage, mani and pedicure, and hair cut are no longer luxuries – they keep me feeling and looking better.

•Find humor in the absurd. And, sometimes, that is looking at the stimulus package and getting a good laugh!

Feel free to share your own personal “stimulus activities” to keep going in these trying times. If you do, and provide an e-mail address, I'll send you a PDF copy my E-book 21st Century Pocket Guide to Proper Business Protocol.

Next week, I’ll talk about the ways we are stimulating our business.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Design a Program That Creates Interaction

This past weekend, a BRODY Professional Development team was in Texas, facilitating a “Physician Speaker Training” program.

During the morning session, what struck me the most was how engaged the physicians were with a simple creative design.

The room was arranged in circles, allowing the doctors to have discussions. The presenters were very interactive and facilitative, and funny.

The slides were easy to read, but didn’t drive the presentations.

The MC, Amy Glass from BRODY Professional Development, moved the program along with grace and humor.

In the afternoon, the large group was then broken into 9 smaller groups, each led by a BRODY facilitator – including me.

Our goal was to teach the smaller groups the steps to prepare, when given a slide deck to present.

We then used the client slides and had the participants (physicians) practice handling difficult audience member questions.

I realized how easy it would be to incorporate this design into corporate presentations and any type of team meeting.

If you want to know how to do it, get back to me: