Monday, June 29, 2009

New BRODY Web Site Coming Soon, Really!

One more week. One more week. One more week.

I am so tired of hearing “one more week!”

What am I referring to? My new and improved corporate web site going “live.”

The irony is that from my perspective, this is an ongoing complaint. I think web designers (or, maybe it’s just creative types in general) sometimes look for ways to hold up the process.

I say that because a lot of industry colleagues have the same complaint – of web site redesign projects often taking more time than initially estimated, or unforeseen developments that further increase the time spent.

I know they say “Good things come to those who wait.”

But, whatever happened to managing client expectations? Or being held accountable to deadlines?

With that said, I have drawn my own line in the sand. The redesigned BRODY Professional Development web site --- -- will be live, on or before July 10.

Of course, there will be still be a new shopping cart to fine tune, my personal speaking web site to update, and other “tweeks” over time.

My expectation (silly woman!) is that it will all be done by the end of the summer. Since it’s been a year in coming, it had better be good! (Of course, I’m biased, but sneak peaks tell me that this is the case!).

Let me know what you think. On July 13, visit

Monday, June 22, 2009

Make Your Own Sunshine

It’s Monday, and it’s not raining.

In fact, we are having sunshine. It’s amazing what that does for one’s disposition!

The question is – how do you create “sunshine” at work, even when the “weather” is gloomy?

Here's what works for me:

•A good cup of coffee

•Selling our programs and services

•Helping someone improve themselves – a client or colleague

•Sending a thank-you, or recognition note, to someone who has helped me

•Pictures (or phone calls) from my husband, grandsons, daughters, mother

•Reaching a goal or completing a project

•Cleaning up my desk

•Connecting with a hard-to-connect-with client

•A team meeting, when good ideas surface

•Doing everything on my “to-do” list for the day

I would love to hear what brings “sunshine” into your work environment.

Have a sunny day! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Power of Video: Seeing Yourself on Tape Can Lead to Self-Improvement

I have often been asked:

•How do you deal with big egos in a presentation skills program?

•How do ensure that the people you coach connect the dots?

•How do you measure improvement when training/coaching on presentation skills?

My answer to all three questions is videotape!

Really, the only way to get a real assessment of how others see you as a presenter is to look at yourself. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it is necessary.

I’m not saying that I like to see myself on video, but, again, it is necessary.

What I have learned by being videotaped:

•I don’t smile as much as I think I do.
•I favor one side of the room.
•I make funny faces.
•My posture needs to be improved.
•And, the list goes on …

I know that sports professionals get videotaped, professional actors are taped, so why shouldn’t everyone who presents (to large and small groups) get taped as well?

It’s a great way to identify strengths and to determine what needs to be improved.

At BRODY, our presentation skills training and coaching almost always involves taping.

At my recent BRODY BOOST Camp, I hired a videographer (Rob Kates, to update my speaking demo and add some new footage.

What my recent videotaping experience really did for me was give me a list of the areas that I still need to work on!

That’s right, even we Hall of Fame speakers need to be open for self-improvement.

I truly believe in my own mantra that: “If you’re not green and growing, you’re ripe and rotting.”

What do you need to improve?

Remember – the best keep looking for ways to get better.

So, smile for that video camera!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Increasing My Digital “Fingerprint” Via Social Networks/Media

How the world has changed!

I have been part of a mastermind group of speakers for the past 12 ½ years – Master Speakers International (MSI).

Our goal at our meetings (three times a year) is to share ideas, best practices, and resources to expand our speaking businesses.

One of our members credits the group with $5 million worth of business – due to two ideas he got during meetings!

At our meeting yesterday in Minneapolis, the entire conversation was about webinars, teleseminars, and social networking sites.

A few years ago, we would have said that nothing beats the live, in-person presentation. I still feel that way.

However, as speakers, we always have to learn to be more flexible --and open minded – and look for alternative ways to deliver our content.

There is also much to learn when it comes to the best use of social media.

Having said that, along with this blog and my web site proper (insert links), you can check me out on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

Will this increased cyber presence generate business? I have no idea, at least not yet -- but I can’t afford not to jump on board and Tweet away and post updates!

I welcome your thoughts.

By the way, if you want to attend my free webinar on communication skills for Copper Conferencing on June 16th, take this link to register.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Don’t Worry Be Happy

You know the expression, “You teach what you need to learn.”?

Well, by nature, I am a positive person – always looking for the good in everybody and every situation … predicting a positive outcome.

But, lately it’s gotten harder. A combination of business matters (due to the economy) and family healthy issues have been weighing heavily on me like a ton of bricks.

I was walking around like Charlie Brown, with the proverbial gray cloud over his head.

The reality is – what is happening is going to happen, regardless of my attitude.

I had a choice: be miserable, or go back to optimism.

Over the weekend, I decided to change my negative attitude of late, beginning with my last journal entry. I started to list all the good things that are happening right now. I wrote what I am grateful for. I listed positive outcomes.

You might wonder … did it work?


Since then, I haven’t dwelled on the negatives, I haven’t discussed the negatives, and I have been more cheery at work.

My bet is that it will get easier each day to honor my personal commitment to stay positive.

And, in time, so, too, will the different situations I encounter get better.

We all need to remember, that you get what you give out in life – the “reap what you sow” mentality.

If you exude negativity and pessimism, after awhile, those around you will feel and act the same.

So, today, I made the choice. I decided to be positive. Like the song says, “Don’t worry. Be happy.” :)

How about you? Will you join me on this positive journey?