Monday, March 16, 2009

A Message to President Obama & His Support Team: RE Communicating & Selling Ideas

I’ve been listening to members of the Obama administration present their ideas.

They are smart people. Their ideas are well thought out (even though many of you reading this may not agree with the philosophies and/or solutions that they have crafted).

But, many of these administration members fail to sell their ideas.

Part of the problem is that they need to see themselves as salespeople, and they don’t.

But, they are – they are selling their credibility, experience, ideas, and themselves.

Subsequently, some of them fall flat.

Ideas rarely stand on their own merit.

President Obama knows this, and understands that style doesn’t replace substance ... but it is a critical part of selling the substance.

Passion sells. People connect on an emotional level, not just logical.

Perhaps one of the best communicators ever, Aristotle, talked about the necessity of using pathos (emotional appeals) as well as logic.

Our audiences – Congress included – respond to the emotion, not only in examples used, but also in message delivery.

People ask if I am a motivational speaker. My answer is no.

I am a content speaker who can motivate.

Of course, I love to hear, “You are so motivational.”

Isn’t that what we need from our leaders, and those who support them?

President Obama: With all due respect, some of your team members need speech coaching -- in order for them to get buy-in for their (and your) good ideas.
My blog this week is all about the need for (and benefit of) professionals improving their communication skills.

With that thought in mind … seats at my April 2 open enrollment career development workshop -- BRODY BOOST Camp -- are filling up. To learn more about how BOOST Camp can help your career outlook/job security, and secure your seat today, click here.

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