Monday, August 18, 2008

Don't Participate! (Guest Blogger Jeff Blackman, CSP, CPAE)

This week, I’m featuring a guest blog from my fellow National Speakers Association colleague Jeff Blackman, CSP, CPAE.

“A fascinating e-mail arrived on my desktop: 'Jeff, recently heard you speak. Loved it! Really valuable. However, I'm still struggling with something you said. You urged us, when asked by others, “How’s the soft economy affecting you?” to say, “I’m choosing not to participate!” How do I do that?'

Wow! Great question! So here's a rant ...

My choice 'not to participate' isn't an expression of a cavalier attitude, it's really a mindset of fiscal necessity. It would be far too easy for me to grumble or mutter:

'The economy stinks!'
'Nobody wants to do anything!'
'Nuthin' is left in clients' or prospects' budgets.'

Not only would the preceding be mindless mutterings of discontent, they'd be false! We're having a great year. Helping lots of folks achieve remarkable results. Yet I know, my success starts with me.

My belief system. My choices. My behaviors.

So for you, it's pretty simple ...

*To make more, you need to do more.
*Therefore, start doing things differently!
*To do more, you need to think more.
*Therefore, start thinking differently!

The responsibility for your success, starts with you!

No matter what the 'state' of the economy, there will always be predictors of doom and gloom. The naysayers. The critics. The question is, 'Do you choose to listen to them?'

It’s too easy to blame your 'plight' on others. Claim the economy is lousy. Or, accuse your company of giving you worthless leads.

Realize, today, right now...

* LOTS OF ... customers are making buying decisions and receiving significant value and results.

* LOTS OF ... deals are being done.

* LOTS OF ... money is being made.

Choose to participate in THAT triumphant trifecta!

* Eliminate your moans and groans.
* Eradicate your complaints and whimpers.
* Remove your bellyaches and gripes.

Heck. Just Stop Whining! Start Selling!

Just ask yourself the question:

What one thing, could you do once a day ... or one more time a day, that would have a significant impact on your life or business?

Then, just do it!

Your results will inform the world."

Jeff Blackman is a speaker, author, success coach, broadcaster and lawyer. His clients call him a "business-growth specialist." Contact Jeff at: 847.998.0688 or And visit to learn more about his other business-growth tools and to subscribe to Jeff's FREE e-letter, The Results Report. Jeff's books include Stop Whining! Start Selling!, (an Amazon Bestseller) and the revised 4th edition of the bestselling Peak Your Profits.

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