Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Book Recommendations

I once heard the quote, “You are who you are based on the people you meet, and the books you read.”

Although there also is some DNA involved, I do agree that we are shaped by our interactions with others, and the reading we do.

That said, as an executive coach and speaker, I realize how often I share ideas and quotes from the books that I read with my audiences.

I am frequently asked for book recommendations, in addition to the ones that I have written.

Here is a list of books that have made a difference to me (in no special order):

Blink, Malcolm Gladwell

What Got You Here Won't Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter

Pivot, Alan R. Zimmerman

Jacked Up, Bill Lane

The One Thing You Need To Know, Marcus Buckingham (or anything else by him)

The 4-Hour Workweek, Timothy Ferriss

The Dip, Seth Godin (or anything else by him)

Enlightened Leadership, Ed Oakley and Doug Krug

The Fred Factor, Mark Sanborn

Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell

The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

I would love to get your recommendations, too, so I can check them out, and pass them on! Post a reply here, or e-mail me – marjorie@brodypro.com


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great advice. I loved the book Blink . I will check out the other book as well!

Marjorie Brody said...

Thank you for commenting, Sabrina. Happy reading! :)

Marjorie Brody